Friday, June 28, 2013

What a difference

A couple of weeks make

                                                                           Early June 2013

                                                                         Late June 2013

The plaque on the garden shed was missing because Greg was sprucing it up a bit. 


Friday, June 21, 2013

Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia

Rockfish Valley Parking Overlook - Elev 2148

Humpback Rocks

Rock Point Overlook - Elevation 3115

Raven's Roost Overlook

Mountain Laurel at Raven's Roost

                Cadie, Kensie and I enjoyed the morning on the parkway while Greg biked a section of it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

TS Andrea

Tropical Storm Andrea has finally moved on after dropping over 5" of rain in 3 hours.  I don't know the total that we received as the rain gauge is only 5" and its more than full. It started raining last night and was very heavy most of the day.  There's several inches of water under the house which we've pumped out.  We keep hearing of global warming in the media and I've been reluctant to get on the bandwagon but I'm beginning to think there may be something to it.  I've lived in the house for over 50 years and we've only had water under it in the last few years or so.  The first time was with Hurricane Floyd in 1999, Hurricane Irene in 2011, the 100 year flood in 2012 and now just a tropical storm gets us.  Oddly, we live on the highest point on our block and only our next door neighbor has this problem.  Even the neighbors at the lowest point stay dry.
And its still too cloudy for a rainbow but.....

I snapped this beauty a couple of weeks ago after a thunderstorm.  Isn't it gorgeous?
Always a reminder there if we just look.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kensie's Favorite Pastime

First there were three strawberries in the pot
And now there are two

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'm back, I hope....

It's been over a year and so many times I've pondered what and where I want to go with this blog.  I have so little time to devote to it and so many other interests that take up what spare time I do have.
I guess it will become something that I just enjoy doing for myself at random times and nonsensical posts (if that makes sense).  I did think that I needed a header update and though it didn't turn out like I imagined, I think it portrays what I enjoy and where we go.  We travel from the NC mountains to the coast and beyond in our camper with our two dogs as time allows.  I enjoy taking pictures of places we go.  My photography skills aren't what they used to be so I guess the adage "if you don't use it, you lose it" is somewhat true.  So instead of using my time editing them in photoshop, I'll probably just post unedited photos as the point of the blog anyway is to have fun with it.   Just like God isn't finished with me yet, so too I'm not finished with this blog yet!